February 11, 2011

This video isn't so much about Bella needing to find the treat.  Instead this is about her figuring out a way to
 get the treat. 

I'm surprised at how hard it is for Bella to just kick the cup over.  She'll push that thing all around the house, and get progressively frustrated as time goes on.  We've tried similar videos that I'll try to remember to post in the future, where we put the treat up high out of her reach.  After she learned how to get them down, it became easier for her.

February 2, 2011

Puppy-Pillow 2

Here it is.  Just to be clear, this video was taken right after Puppy Pillow 1.  I wonder if I could condition her to always check under the pillow if I did this often enough.  Or at least to always check under the pillow while I'm visiting. 

January 26, 2011


This weeks puppy video focuses on one of puppy's biggest obstacles in treat getting:  being able to get a treat out from under something.  Next week I'll post a video similar to this that tests to see if she'll look under a pillow for a treat if she didn't see me put it there and I just say "get the treat."  After that though, I'll post a video showing more of her struggles to move obstacles.

I feel bad that I after she'd already gotten the treat I kept telling her to keep looking for treats.  : (  She's a good sport about it though, she's never complained so far.   ; )

January 20, 2011

Puppy-patience 2

This time, I set up the camera where it could see both the puppy and the treat, then after I told her to stay, I left the room.  As you can imagine, puppy's patience didn't last as long this time as when I was watching her.  She was also considerably less sneaky.

January 14, 2011


The approach I took for this video is a little bit different than any other videos I've posted so far.  Instead of testing her ability to get the treat, my goal was to observe and measure how long she would wait if she was told not to get the treat.  In addition, I was in the room watching her.  Next week I'll post a video that is similar, but without me in the room watching her.

I especially enjoyed her attempt to be sneaky that lasted for all of one second before she got up and got the treat!  Overall, I was surprised how long she waited.  I wonder how patient I would be if someone put a Kit-Kat across the room from me...