January 2, 2011

Puppy Blind-fold 2

This is the second time we've put puppy in a blind-fold before sending her off to get a treat.

This time, I'm not convinced that she was relying on her sense of smell.  I think that she was able to see out of the bottom of the blind-fold, and she was willing to walk around searching for the treat, even though she had limited vision.  I'm curious, did she not think to take off the blind-fold, or did she think it was just part of a "game" where she had to keep it on?  As seen in blind-fold take 1, she had no qualms removing the blind-fold to make it so she could see. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I think she was seeing a little out of the bottom too, seeing as per previous experiments. good vid :)
